Monday, January 23, 2017

Can YOU pronounce these ten basic words correctly? From mischievous to et cetera, the simple terms that native English speakers struggle to get right 

  • English teacher Lucy Bella Earl shared top ten most mispronounced words
  • List outlines words that native English speakers find themselves stumbling over
  • The list of words includes salmon, espresso and athlete 
'Ask' and 'almond' are among the simple words many of us struggle to pronounce correctly.
That's according to Lucy Bella Earl, from Bedfordshire, who shared a video revealing the top ten most commonly mispronounced words that has since been viewed 250,000 times by people attempting to hone their pronunciation skills.
From mischievous to espresso, the list outlines ten words that native English speakers often find themselves stumbling over. So how many can you get right?
From mischievous to et cetera, one English teacher has revealed the terms that native English speakers struggle to get right
From mischievous to et cetera, one English teacher has revealed the terms that native English speakers struggle to get right
1. The letter 'H' 
How people pronounce it: haytch 
How it should be pronounced: aitch
2. Salmon
How people pronounce it: sal-mon
How it should be pronounced: sa-mon 
3. Almond  
How people pronounce it: ahl-mond
How it should be pronounced: ah-mond
4. Mischievous
How people pronounce it: mis-che-vee-us
How it should be pronounced: mis-che-vus 
5. Et cetera


1. The letter 'H'
2. Salmon
3. Almond
4. Mischievous 
5. Et cetera 
6. Espresso 
7. Athlete 
8. Specifically 
9. Ask 
10. Quinoa 
How people pronounce it: eksetera 
How it should be pronounced: et-set-er-uh
6. Espresso 
How people pronounce it: ex-pre-sso
How it should be pronounced: eh-spress-o
7. Athlete
How people pronounce it: ath-er-lete
How it should be pronounced: ath-leet
8. Specifically 
How people pronounce it: pacifically 
How it should be pronounced: spe-ci-fi-cally 
9. Ask 
How people pronounce it: aks
How it should be pronounced: ah-sk
10. Quinoa
How people pronounce it: kee-NOH-ah
How it should be pronounced: keen-wa 
Lucy Bella Earl shares top ten most mispronounced words

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